You’ll probably find the answers here. If not, give us a call, text, or email and we’ll be happy to help. 

Q: What is a deductible?

A: This is the pre-set amount that you are responsible for paying in the event of a claim. After the deductible amount is paid by you, any amount still owed on the claim is covered by your insurance provider. For example, let’s say that your car is damaged in an accident and the cost of repair is $2,500. If your policy on the car has a $500 deductible, you will pay the first $500 and then the insurance company will cover the remining $2,000.

Q: What is an insurance broker vs an insurance agent?

A: An insurance agent is a licensed professional who works for a specific company and exclusively sells their insurance products. An insurance broker is a professionally regulated intermediary who does not work for any one company, so they are free to shop the market on your behalf for the best price and product options from every company.

Q: How do I submit a claim?

A: You can contact your broker or insurance company directly, or you can start the process online from our Claims page.

Q: Do insurance rates differ based on the location of the property?

A: Yes. The postal code of the property will influence coverage options and the cost of insurance. This is because some areas are more prone to specific problems than others, such as as sewer back up and overland water/flood damage.

Q: Will my credit score affect the cost of my insurance?

A: It might. Some insurance companies will use credit scores to offer better rates to preferred customers.

Q: Will updates on my property affect the insurance rate?

A: Certain updates, like a new roof, upgraded heating, plumbing and electrical systems can have a positive impact on the cost of your property insurance.

Q: If I rent out my property, will this affect my cost of insurance:

A: Yes. A property occupied by the owner will cost less to insure than a property that is tenant occupied.

Q: Does my personal car insurance allow for business use?

A: If you included both personal use and business use on your insurance application, then you may be covered for both. It is always best to refer to your policy contract or contact your broker for help.

Q: When do my winter tires need to be installed?

A: In Ontario, winter tires must be installed on your car from November 1 until April 1.

Q: Does my personal auto insurance policy cover a rental car while I’m on vacation?

A: This coverage is optional and not automatically included in your policy. Check with your broker to see if your policy includes rental cars. If not, it’s quick and easy to add.

Q: Does my home insurance include coverage if I use it as short-term rental, such as an Airbnb?

A: Most home and property insurance does not include short-term rental coverage. If you have this requirement, your broker can help you find a policy with this specific coverage.